Five home remedies to avoid hernia

Hernia is such a physical problem, which can be dangerous if not given attention at the right time. Apart from this, it remains the only operation. Learn how to avoid hernia -

1 The first solution is to keep the stomach clean, avoid constipation, avoid doing more to do such tasks, which cause pressure on the stomach muscles. Also try to keep your weight balanced.

2 Say goodbye to the habit of smoking of any kind immediately. Apart from alcohol, cigarettes, tobacco etc., do not eat non vegetarians too, it can increase your problem.

3. Avoid excessive eating and avoid consuming tea, coffee and other substances containing caffeine. Do not drink too much water at one time while drinking water, but drink sip in the sip.

4 About 1 hour after eating the food, add apple vinegar in a glass of water and drink it slowly and sip. 3 times a day, chewing gum in chewing gum and eating lukewarm water from above will also benefit.

Eating of aloe Vera juice, linseed, fenugreek etc. is also beneficial in this problem. Also, exercise and keep walking, this will benefit.
